First off that is precious.  Secondly I believe people have been saved on their death bed from two experiences or 3 I have had.  One I have died and been bought back thru cpr after I was dead for about 5-20 minustes the nurse said it had to be that long because all my color was gone, my bowls had let go and my eye were rolled back. I knew the week before I was going to die.  and I was at the point where I was almost atheist.  But right before I died.  I heard this music from the corner of the room.  It got closer and I realized it was the hevenly chior and I ask God to forgive me for not believing and my sins.  I seen both hell and Heaven.  Well, my mother when she died (not practicing christian, catholic) she cried out God help me. My dad not a practicing christian died in his sleep.  Well I was at a church function we were praying over another lady I was thinking "It sure would have been nice if mom and dad could have experience this kind of thing.  Just as I got down thinking that I heard an autoble voice say in my right ear.  "Karen they are the reason you are here. (the church)and he showed me a picture as if they were watching with Jesus what I was doing. And than I was filled with the holy spirit.  After I told everyone in the family what happen and I found out that my mom and dad both read the Bible.  I know my dad use to beg my twinsister and I to go to church.  But at the time I was a drinker and smoked cigarrettes and would have felt like a hipocrit and thought the church would fall in.  I did not start going back to church until four years after my father passed.  I believe my father and mothers prayers were answered and they were watching what was going on.  I believe your father, like I knew heaven was opening up to him and ask for forgiveness.  And your nephew really seen your dad.  Children can see the spirit world because they are more open to it.  That is why Jesus says come unto me as a little child.  believe as a child and we would see more spiritaul and more miracles.  But praise the Lord.  I hope your borther will start seeing Jesus more and he will be saved.  I am hoping the same for my unsaved brothers.  They are very stronged headed. 
In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'
-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi all. As most of you know, my father was killed last year in a motor
> cycle accident. Also... as most of you know i was struggling with peace
> about seeing him again. Now for the story.
> Last weekend i went to my moms as i often do and i was told this happened.
> My nephew, who is 2... and who only knew my dad for a year. My brother was
> trying to get him to sleep and so he drove around... that usually works.
> anyway, Joey... my nephew started waving... and looking out the window and
> saying "I miss you..." "I love you!..." over and over. Well my brother...
> thinking he was talking to him responded. Joey kept shaking his head and
> saying "no daddy." Josh got kind of confused so he asked him what he was
> talking about. Joey said... "sh'h'h'h... I'm talking to Papa!". Tha'ts
> what he used to call my dad. So Josh was kind of floored... and asked where
> Papa was. Joey said, "With Jesus." NOw mind you... I am the only true
> Christian in my immediate family and my brother just doesn't teach him about
> Jesus. So, Josh asked Joey what papa was doing... and Joey said, "Him and
> Jesus are smiling at me."
> what do i think of this? Do i hold on to it and run... holding on to that
> promise? Di think it all a fluke? I don't want to... my dad wasn't the
> best Christian... didn't live the Christian life... walked away from God
> after the military... but... the morning he died i woke up with such an
> uneasy feeling so i prayed. I rebuked death... no i'm not going to go their
> about asking y he still died... but could God have still heard my prayers?
> Is it possible for someone to turn back to Christ seconds before an accident
> or whatever?
> If this wasn't God could it have been satan trying to play with my and my
> familys minds? If it is God i thank HIM for giving me this promise and i
> look forward to seeing my Daddy again!
> Jenifer Barr.
> Waiting for HIS soon return!
> AIM: jenibear1998
> msn
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