Praise the Lord Phil that is really great.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Have been praying. I pray as she comes off the drugs, God heals her. That
> has happened to two people I know of, one being a friend of mine who was
> meant to die shortly after due to crispy lungs from weeks on an oxygen tank
> due to an incurable virus picked up via a work associate who served in
> Desert Storm. but is currently building his house and has years of no
> problems in health whatsoever.
> Brad
> Phil Scovell wrote:
> >We need to be really praying for Carol right now. I talked to her this
> >morning and she is not well at all. Some of the problem may be due to the
> >medications she is on. One of the medications is used with people who have
> >seizures but that same drug is also used for people who have chronic back
> >pain. It deadens the nerve endings to assist them in coping with the
> >chronic pain. Carol is taking it for her back pain. Well, this drug is
> >taken in rather large doses each day and you have to build up to the high
> >level over a period of months. This is also true when coming off of it.
> >About half way through this treatment, Carol was sounding and feeling the
> >best since I've known her. I was hoping they would stop there but they
> >cranked her all the way up to the highest levels. She began getting colds
> >and illnesses that would hang on for weeks at a time. She no sooner would
> >get rid of one but another one would begin. She isn't resting well, has
> >very little strength to do anything, and no energy. At times, she even has
> >problems forming words. She has seen her doctors and requested she come off
> >all medications because she no longer wants to be on anything. She is
> >starting with the drug for her back that requires such a high dosage each
> >day. The doctor told her to go ahead and back the medicine down little by
> >little just like she did when starting it and to keep him informed. I am
> >very concerned about Carol and have been for many months. The situation she
> >is in right now is serious. If she lived in the states, she would likely be
> >admitted to the hospital for observation and to monitor what the drugs were
> >doing. I do get emails from her but not on a regular bases because she
> >simply cannot concentrate long enough to type a long message and when she
> >forces herself, she is very tired afterward. She probably would not like me
> >telling you this much but if you knew as much as I do about Carol's life and
> >how the Lord has brought some tremendous emotional healing to her life in
> >the past year and a half, you would understand how serious this prayer
> >request is. Carol could easily die from this situation and she told me in
> >her last email that she has prayed and asked the Lord to take her home. Not
> >because she is suicidal but because she is so weary of being ill and weak
> >and unable to function even half a life. I am asking each of you to please
> >pray for life and not death. Her husband, Mike, is also having some
> >difficulties at work that isn't helping either one of them. I personally
> >believe, and have told Carol this more than once, that her physical healing
> >is the will of God for her life. This is not a guess on my part; it is what
> >I truly believe. It is not, I repeat, it is not God's will for her to die
> >at this time. Yet, suffering physically is no picnic for anyone. I believe
> >she will improve as the medications are removed slowly so pray for strength
> >of will and strength of mind for Carol and Mike both right now.
> >
> >Phil.
> Brad
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