Thomas Bridgeland  wrote:

>Just today I pulled carrots, and saved the tops to eat as greens. Taste
>nice fresh or cooked.

I'd not heard of eating carrot greens until I read your post, so I went on
a web-hunt to find out more. They seem full of all kinds of good
nutritional things, but I found an unexpected medicinal side effect.

'Carrot leaves contain significant amounts of porphyrins, which stimulate
the pituitary gland and lead to the release of increased levels of sex

Just thought you ought to know ;-)

Can't say I can vouch for the scientific accuracy of that statement, but
it came from a wonderful website that I've just found and bookmarked; it's
called 'The World Carrot Museum' <g>

It's well worth a look if you feel in need of entertainment.

