Lord have mercy on that family.  Let the children know your love and peace.   In your Precious Name I pray Amen

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Pamela Nelson. Ever heard of her?
> Neither have I until two days ago. In fact I've never met her, never saw=20
> her, or even spoken to her. Yet I have yet to still think of the total=20
> impact she has had on my thoughts as I sort out in my mind what she has=20
> given me to think about. To my knowledge she's never accomplished anything=
> =20
> of public notoriety in life, as most of us living our lives day in and day=
> =20
> out. In fact the healthcare trade proved to be the chosen means of making a=
> =20
> living and not a great communicator, author, or other such profession.=20
> Young woman of late 30's early forties, married, two teen age kids,=20
> residing in the same town as I, in fact only four doors down from me.=20
> Pamela decided to give many much to think on around noon Monday when she=20
> pulled the trigger and ended her life. This, the second suicide in our=20
> little town in the past week where yet another woman of 44 years young,=20
> married and kids to leave behind wondering why. My wife told me around 3:30=
> =20
> or so there was four police cars, an ambulance and other cars down the=20
> street, the two kids were out in the yard crying. One of my wife's=20
> customer's dad lives next to the Nelsons and was woken out of a sleep=20
> around noon from his third shift night time sleep. I heard that Mr. Nelson=
> =20
> was yet on his way home from work for the day. My suspicions and fears of=20
> what happened were confirmed last night at church music practice. No doubt=
> =20
> it was the children who walked in the house to say "Hi mom we're home! Can=
> =20
> I go to the skate park or over to Jimmy's?" and instead found their lives=20
> irreversibly changed. One of the children, Luke 16 years old, a young man=20
> my son skateboards, bikes and eats lunch with at school everyday, and is=20
> somewhere between acquaintance and friend of my son, and his younger sister=
> =20
> of 14 must be going through one of the most difficult times of their lives.=
> =20
> Please pray for this family. I couldn't help but be extremely bothered by=20
> this inside. Suicide has always been sensitive to me. It is such a waste=20
> and the thoughts which lead up to it, a lie from the pit of hell. Nothing=20
> is worth ending one's own life. No job, no spouse, no money problem, no=20
> nothing. I also couldn't help feeling so useless in life. Week by week we=20
> do our bit in church, play music, sing to God and encourage others to enter=
> =20
> into worship, take our time to practice together and at home apart from a=20
> group, go to our jobs, spend some time with our own family, go shopping and=
> =20
> the errands we need to do to make life roll along. And all the while four=20
> doors down a young woman suffers so much from depression and lies being=20
> told her, and remains separated from God, missing out on the peace and=20
> comfort and help we as Christians so much rely on to get us through life=20
> these days, and I am totally oblivious to her suffering. If perhaps someone=
> =20
> were to have told her, have shown her that there is hope no matter what=20
> things look like right now. If she was guided and encouraged to find that=20
> victory we enjoy daily, perhaps today she'd be making supper for her family=
> =20
> saying "OK, kids go get your dad, and wash your hands we're gonna eat."=20
> and I'd not be writing this. I have yet to have this sink in to its full=20
> capacity as I'm still stunned and bothered by the reality of it. Sort of=20
> ironic isn't it? We take part in helping those in the area, the city, the=20
> county, the state , the USA, the world and someone four doors down shows=20
> the real perspective yet there's nothing you can do now to change how=20
> that perspective was brought to you and they have forfeited the ultimate=20
> gift=85 life.
> Please pray for this family.
> Brad
> Brad
> Start spreading the news! HTTP://WWW.RIVERCITIESCONNECTION.COM is=
> offering
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