Lord I pary that you would take the Governments hands out of peoples personal life.  Help the government to know it can do cut backs on all there perks if they need money.  Not cut people who need it.  In your precious name I pray Amen

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> I'm feeling discouraged Bobbie is my care provider through the state.
> My case manager has tried to cut my hours we ad to really fight hard to get
> them back.
> It seems like every time I start to get better he wants to cut back on my hours.
> I have a lot hapenning in my life. One thing is I'm being treated for
> depression, I take 3 different medications for this Bobbie worries about me
> taking these medication because of the side effects. such as for awhile I would
> do things and not remember.
> The Lord has healed me of the memory loss I haven't had this for about 2 or 3
> weeks, I still get depressed at times and I get stressed out. Please pray that
> my case worker would leave my hours alone, Bobbie is a wonderful person and she
> really cares about her job.
> By the way my sleep study went pretty well, I will know the results athe first
> of october .
> paulette: