That is the best thin to do seek God's word in everything

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Phil,
> Replying here on list in kind to your post. Please, correct me if I am
> wrong. However I believe what you meant in your statement of...
> "This is an uncomfortable topic for me but here is my answer. First, I am
> not planning on proving anything I say because I honestly don't care what
> people believe about this subject."
> is perhaps that you do not care what people think in regards to your own
> belief that you have been called to the office of prophet, rather than you
> do not care what people believe regarding the topic itself. I say this
> because your words stating your reluctancy to speak what you feel the Holy
> Spirit to instruct, and that you are still a bit off kilter from the
> unacceptance of your word to those just the other day, tells me that you in
> fact do have concern of and care for what people think and believe. For if
> they do not believe in a prophet of today, they will not hear what you have
> to say in their heart. Challenging people's beliefs is a hard thing to do.
> I asked this question, certainly not to stir up any kind of bees nest, but
> to that of seeking reference of in fact why one does believe what they
> believe. The word of God is our manual, suitable for instruction, reproof,
> reproach, guidance and training, and certainly the answer to why someone
> believes what they believe is found within it. God, in any personal word to
> us as individuals, never will contradict his word. At any rate, I asked
> this to help me find supporting references to why one believes what they
> believe. I have my own beliefs on it at this point prior to having sought
> God's word on it, and my motivation is one of wanting to seek truth in a
> time when people are using the deterioration of society in these latter
> days as motivation to come out and call themselves prophets and speaking
> words claimed to be of God concerning various situations, peoples and nations.
> If you, or anyone is willing to share scripture reference or further
> input, I'm always available off list at
> [log in to unmask]
> as to not make challenge to anyone's belief on list. I plan to seek
> scripture on this topic, pray about it, and seek God's word via the Holy
> Spirit that I can find, in my mind and heart, the truth and any differences
> regarding the gift of, and office of, prophet.
> Blessings,
> Brad