Take it to the Lord in prayer.  Find a closet to go in and scream as loud as you can.  That helps.  Unfortunately I can no longer screem for some reason.  I pray God give you his peace.  It is almost over.  A month from now you can sit back and say.  I can't believe all that happened.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Well, the painters came today, but they will have to come back for touch
> ups. The floor guy called to let us know that the color that we picked
> won't be available for another three weeks. He sent his wife over so
> that we could make three back up choices, but now, we aren't sure what we
> will be getting for livingroom carpet. The contractor, who, in my
> opinion, has already violated his end of the contract, is causing rinkles
> about our appliances and who is really supposed to pay for them and then,
> the inspector showed up today and I am afraid I broke down. He is also
> the man in charge of the money so I had a lot to say about our situation
> and I didn't even have the heart to walk through the new house with him.
> I'm just frustrated. Greg said that I handled myself well, but when I
> got inside the mobile home I just started crying. I'm so tired of this.
> Three people, and possibly four, want to consider buying our mobile home,
> but we don't know when to tell them it will be available and I'm just
> feeling like I am unraveling at the seams. Fortunately, chris is lying
> low, at present, or I would probably lose it all together. WE had to
> renew our home owners insurance policy for another year today, in case
> something else in the mobile home burns up or blows out while we are
> waiting for our home to get ready and, Greg gave me the wonderful news
> that our service engine light soon light in the van, came on yesterday
> and isn't going off! Ug! Thank you for letting me get this all off my
> chest. I'm feeling better now! GRIN!
> Have a nice day! GRIN!
> Kathy
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