William wrote:

>The ancient creation story that we are made from trees looks to be true,
>you keep in mind that we are inside-out trees....

If that's true, I want to be a copper beech <g>

>This takes hours, and fits with the noted benefits of eating once/day.

I was interested in what Richard Geller said in an earlier post about the
benefits of eating until satiated once a day. I naturally fail to feel
hungry at all until around 2am. (following a sunset to bed and sunrise to
get up timetable). If I eat a big meal too early on in the day, I feel
like sleeping and my brain functions less well than if I delay my first
meal until I'm really hungry (around 5pm).

I imagine that some people thrive on grazing and others on feasting.

Za vashe zdorovye!


Beer makes you feel the way you ought to feel without beer.

--Henry Lawson