>Hi, phone patches are making phone calls through repeaters.
Message-Id: <20040928214918.RFBF1790.imf18aec.mail.bellsouth.net@[]>

NOt necessarily.  My hf station has a phone patch connected to it
often.  MIssionaries ships at sea etc. will avail themselves of this
service where treaties etc. permit.

THere is life outside vhf/uhf fm. Although not as popular as they were
before sat phones and the internet some still appreciate those of us
who offer phone patch service stateside.  Be sure to consult lists of
countries with which yours has third party traffic agreements as phone
patches, whether the garden variety repeater autopatch or an hf phone
patch or even saying hi to a ham's mom for him/her it's all third
party traffic.  SOme political entities such as many british
possessions in the Caribbean don't permit third party traffic between
amateurs in their teritories and U.s. amateurs.

I hope that helps clear things up a bit.

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
almost 50% of those at ground zero on 9/11/01 still have
longterm health problems.  Almost half of those have no health insurance.