That is right Peggy.  I use to tell people what they would be doing in the future (Prophecy) before I lived for the Lord.  but I never ask for money because I knew it was a gift from God and I don't believe in making money off it and also I use to be hesitant in doing it because of being wrong.  And a Pastor I knew said.  Who cares if your wrong. as long as you are doing what you think God is telling you he will use it for his glory and it will be a blessing to the reciever rather it happens or not.  So if God gives me a word for someone I tell them and pray about it too.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> And the love was received, Phil. Thanks, Father. (And no, Phil isn't my
> father any more than I'm his little sister. )
> Exercising spiritual gifts is always something that puts us in a vulnerable
> position, as there's always the possibility we could be wrong. I remember
> a wonderful preacher named Doug Weed who gave a sermon on just that
> topic. He said a lot of times we say, "But what if I'm wrong?", and what
> we really mean is, "How can I know, without having to exercise any faith,
> that I'm doing what's right." And his answer was you can't. You always
> have to have faith, and YOU COULD BE WRONG.
> Peggy
> At 11:14 PM 8/23/2004 -0600, you wrote:
> >What you read earlier was, what some call, personal prophecy. I don't care
> >if you don't believe in such things and don't ask me to explain it because I
> >can't. I don't often do what I did but when it happens, there is a reason.
> >I rarely do it, overall, but that is beside the point. In Peggy's case, I
> >cannot explain it nor do I care to try. When I wrote to her to let her know
> >we are with her through this experience she is facing, I wrote the word
> >"sister" and suddenly stopped typing. I could not go on. Saying the word
> >"sister" was spiritually insufficient and not only that, it was spiritually
> >wrong. It was not what I felt in my spirit. What I felt in my spirit was
> >"little sister" but Peggy is not my little sister, I don't think anyhow. I
> >backed up and typed in the word "little" in front of the word "sister" and
> >felt stupid doing so. I sat for a moment and said, "Lord, that is stupid.
> >What are we talking about here. So I began to write the rest of the
> >message. No, it was not automatic writing; that is demonic. I knew every
> >word I typed and why. If it makes you feel uncomfortable, I don't feel
> >sorry for you because it wasn't written for you. What if you are wrong, I
> >can hear someone asking. So? I've been wrong before. I wrote what I felt,
> >not heard, but what I felt in my spirit. That's the best I can do and Jesus
> >has to do the rest but I obeyed what He told me to do. No, I don't know
> >Peggy personally. I've talked to her on the phone once or twice but a long
> >time ago. You know her as well as I do if you are on this list. I know one
> >thing. When I wrote that message, I felt God's love for Peggy flowing
> >through me and that's all I am concerned about.
> >
> >Phil.
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