Chris and Brad's son sound like, what I use to be like.  My Daddy called it "Hard headed".  He would say, "Oh, have it your way,  You know it all.  You can't take my word for it so learn it the hard way, Miss Hardheaded."   I wonder if my head got so hard from bumbing it so much when I was little.   I think they will be ok.  They have been raised right and have God on thier sides.  Just keep praying and loving them.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Oh Brad,
> Your post is such a relief that, perhaps, we are making the right
> choice. My Chris sounds so much like your son, hands on and everything
> except that Chris is more in to building, not eletronics. Yet, he is
> refusing to take any courses in carpentry or building. He thinks that he
> already knows it all and he would probably flunk if he did take a course
> because he wouldn't do things the way the instructor asked, and chris's
> explanation would no doubt be that the instructor is "stupid!" My Chris
> understands the hurt in the wallet more than anything right now too so
> we've just decided that, some day, Chris will finally buckle down when he
> sees all the losers who hit the books pull ahead of him financially and
> he'll begin to rethink his priorities. The thing is, I know from
> comments he makes from time to time, that what we've taught him is still
> down there, somewhere, churning around. He's just trying to prove us
> wrong right now. His goal in life is to prove that he's right. Can you
> say "CRASH big time," dead ahead?
> Thanks for saying I"m not a wimp, though I feel like it
> sometimes. I'm just tired of the fighting and Greg and I value the
> relationship more than anything else. That's what has to be preserved.
> He'll learn life's lessons in God's time, but we want to get through all
> this with him and not against him.
> Kathy
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