Thank you Ned.  I look forward to e-mailing and getting to know all of you in the group.  And I am especially glad that it is a group that glorifies Jesus our King. 

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi Karen,
> Good to have you on the list and to know that Kathy has at least one friend!
> (smile) Well, Kathy, I am glad you are on the list too and thankful for the
> progress of the house.
> Karen, feel free to jump right in here: we are all just home folks and love
> the Lord. We also love those who love the Lord. We are here to share with
> you and one another in prayer, Bible study and in any other way we can
> serve.
> May you be blessed by being here and may we together bring God glory.
> Ned