Consider it done.  I am praying right now for a perfect healing, and a great prognosis.

In any kind of circumstance PRAY

Karen Carter 74'

-------------- Original message --------------

> Hi, all. I figure the above subject line would help us keep track of what
> prayer request and from whom we were dealing with.
> This past Friday I found a tiny lump in my breast. I thought at first I
> was being a hypochondriac, because I've had two co-workers develop breast
> cancer. One caught it early and is okay, since it didn't affect her lymph
> nodes. The other wasn't so lucky, in that her cancer spread, and the
> prognosis doesn't look good. Anyway, I kept looking at the lump, which I'd
> sometimes find easily and other times not at all, wondering if it was my
> imagination. Finally last night I told my husband about it and showed him
> the spot, and he felt it too. It seems to be near the surface, and doesn't
> seem to be attached to anything, so we're hoping it's just a cyst. But I
> have an appoihntment on Tuesday to have it checked out, so pray that I have
> peace about the situation until then, and that God gives the doctor wisdom
> in how to deal with it. Thanks.
> Peggy
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