<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear listmates,  here is the summary:
Some people use Rescue Remedy from the health food store.
Some use St. John's wort from the health food store 300mg.   It is widely
used on the continent.
No one seemed to know of a gluten free one in the states. This person was
helped with depression with St. John's wort.

One person said to try homopathic pulsatilla, 30X for panic and depression

Another person said for panic attacks use gelsemium 30c.....2 pills every 2
hours.   They also said you could take 2 pills every 15 mins. for the first
hour and then drop down to every 2 hours.

Someone else said to use Holy Basil, it is a mild, natural, non-addictive
xanax.Planetary is the brand, but they did not know if it was GF.

Another person used Bach Rescue Remedy form Bach Flower.  They mentioned
they were gf.

Another listmate mentioned sometimes your tyroid can mess up your hormones
and blood sugar levels.  She uses STRESS EZE made by Pheonix Nutritionals.
They mentioned after taking the first dose, they felt a calm and didn't have
a panic attack or feel any excessive anxiety providing they took the product
daily for 5 months. They took 2 tablets a day.  They said it was gf.

They said Dr. Wilson's book could help.  Panic attacks are a function of
poor adrenal function and Dr. Wilson's book talks about this.

To prevent panic attacks it is good to use low carb, sugar free, caffeine
free products.

We could be helped by using plain GF cereral without fruit for breakfast.
They felt if you delay fruits until the afternoon or evening that may help.
They eat gf cooked cereal with butter, eggs, bacon or sausage.  For a snack
during the mid-morning they eat carrots or pecans.

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*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*