Largesse, for pickup at our office, 246 West 80th, for any non-profit.
Christopher Gray

    The 1940 Book of Small Houses, by Architectural Forum   spine off

Brown, Frank Chouteau   Letters & Lettering, 1921   binding loose

Church Property Administration  Portfolio of Ecclesiastical Designs, about
150 11x17 BW plates of recent U. S. church designs, undated but about 1940 or so
- no modernist work four-fold leatherette case in good condition

Ecole Des Beaux-Arts    Concours d'Architecture 1921-1922   never bound, but
enclosing boards loose

Ecole Des Beaux-Arts    Concours d'Architecture 1926-1927   never bound, but
enclosing boards loose

Ecole Des Beaux-Arts    Concours d'Architecture 1924-1925   never bound, but
enclosing boards loose

Ecole Des Beaux-Arts    Concours d'Architecture 1918-1919   never bound, but
enclosing boards loose

Foutaine & Vaillaut Decorative French Hardware  boards off but intact

Guilbert, A.    Monument Commemoratif elevat a la Memoire des Victimes de la
Charite, 1900 (monograph on a large memorial installed in a French chapel)

Loftie, W. J.   The Inns of Court and Chancery, 1923    spine chipped

Rapin, Henri    La Sculpture Decorative a L'exposition des arts decoratifs de
1925    disbound