> And the other problem is that if bread is bad for us,
> what becomes of all the symbolism where it is
> conceived as something good?  The daily bread we are
> to pray for, the loaves that were multiplied, and the
> Eucharist itself. I can deal with a food being
> unhealthy for me personally because of my
> illness....but if it is healthy for no one, that
> creates a problem.
> Has anyone else wrestled with this or a similar
> conundrum?  Any ideas how to reconcile religion and
> paleo diet?
> Andrea Sophia

Hi Andrea,
I am a Christian and have been avoiding bread since about 1996. Obviously I
have not done so perfectly, but I have had very little during that time. The
thought that I had to reconcile religion and paleo never occurred to me to
be honest. Even if bread is not necessarily bad for us (which I think it
is), I don't think I am committing a sin by not eating it. For me it's the
other way around, I would feel more like I am committing a sin if I ate
something that God specifically told us not to eat. In the case of bread, I
don't know of any reference in the bible where it says you MUST eat it. I do
have bread during communion, but it's such a small piece I doubt it will
hurt my paleo efforts and we don't have communion that often.

Not sure if this helps??!!


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