Can you summarize this diet plan.  What do you get to eat and how much?


[log in to unmask] wrote:
> Daniel Lurie wrote:
>> FWIW, I had an unusual level of success on the Steak Lover's Diet which
>> wasn't all that "low carb." It has to rank as one of the most
>> monotonous, though. It was kind of bizarre.
> Same here.  It is monotonous, and moderately low carb, but for some
> reason it melts the fat off me.  And the "explanation" that Dr. Anchell
> offers (though he admits he doesn't really understand why the diet
> works) makes no sense at all.  But others here have tried it without any
> great success, so who knows?  The SLD is not paleo, though if you drop
> the potatoes and rice it would be.  Definitely bizarre.
> Todd Moody
> [log in to unmask]

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