----- Original Message -----
From: "mark wilson" <[log in to unmask]>
Hello Todd,

>You mentioned about 2 weeks ago that your fasting
>glucose levels are consistently in the 90's.  Mine
>were consistently in the 80's until I went off all
>liquid oils and increased the saturated fat in my
>diet.  Now my fasting glucose levels are up in the
>90's as well, confirmed after two separate tests.

This is the same for me.  When I lowered the sat fat in my diet my morning
bg levels were in the 70's and low 80's so there's something to this.....
With sat fat it was in the upper 80's.  Surprisingly, beef gives a higher bg
level than pork or chicken.  Thats grass fed, don't know about
commercial.....  For some reason, fish is up there with beef.  Any ideas on
this?  Oliva