On Tue, 18 May 2004 21:39:05 +0000, william wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-05-18 at 20:33, WADE REESER wrote:
> > And I understand that traders and trappers often went for months in North
> > America eating travel rations consisting of only pemmican and jerky made
> > meats.  Again, not raw.
> AFAIK the original pemmican was made from meat dried in sun and wind.
> Surely this qualifies as raw.

Debatable.  But for one thing, I am talking about pemmican used by traders and
trappers which uses heat to both dry the meat AND render the fat from books
I've read e.g. Lewis and Clark travelogue. (that seemed clear, as you quoted
that in my post...) Both the natives and trappers rendered the fat to make the
pemmican.  But what about my other example using Steffanson? Is this another
selective nitpick while conveniently ignoring the gist of my email?  Are
spelling and grammer discussions next?
