When I wrote my extra in 1975, I had to go to the FCC.  I had a Conditional at
the time, so I had to write my General, Advanced, and Extra all in the same
day.  They had a Braille exam for the General, but not for the Advanced and

AFter I took the General, the District Engineer discovered he didn't have an
answer key, so he let me take the Advanced.  When I passed that, I took the
Extra.  I also knew when I left there, that I'd passed both exams.  But, it
took eight weeks before I got a letter from the F.C.C. informing me I'd passed
my General as well, and then another four weeks before I got my ticket.

It is interesting that they didn't trust hams who administered Conditional
licenses, since you had to take the General Class before upgrading.  Now, with
the VE system, we're entrusted with the whole caboodle.

Steve, K8SP