<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to you who wrote me about my reply to upper GI ... actually it was
the endoscope and the Biopsy was done in duodenum ( post bulbar).   Everyone
wrote that it was not enough to rule out celiac disease.   Which actually it
was not ruled out.  The report just said a biopsy was taken there to rule
out enteritis or sprue.  I assumed there was no celiac because of that.  Any
way my medical Dr. believed that I have celiac and thus has treated me as
such.  The diet works for me.  I did test postive for wheat allergy so I
don't need to eat wheat anyhow and rye and barley are not big problems for
me.. meaning they are just not in my diet anyhow but if I see them labled I
will not use the product. I stick mostly to meat, potatoes, and vegetables
and fruits too.  Don't use sauces or toppings or anything like that unless I
make them myself.   I am also allergic to milk, egg whites, and very
intolerant to soy.  Soy seems as bad as the gluten... thanks again all.

Pepper L. combs

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