Speaking of wild boar, while attending the recent USICOMOS conference in Natchitoches (sp?) Louisiana, I was lodged at the same B&B as a young reporter from the Washington POst, ex of  the New Orleans Times Picayune. He was covering the nearby Whitfield, LA "Uncle Earl's Hog Dog Trials". Turns out that the H/D trials are an opportunity for specially trained dogs to run down wild boar after which a mounted personage dismounts his steed and dispatches the boar with a knife to the throat. These dogs are hot stuff. The hog roast comes on Sunday. So here we were yacking about "cultural landscapes" while the real thing was going on down the road a piece. Uncle Earl was none other than Earl Long, brother of Huey, the Kingfish. Earl was governor as well and was able to rule for a time from an insane asylum. Whoooeee.
Damn Yankee