It was distributed within a certain range of Oswego, NY (about 50 miles NNW of Syracuse). That town has three reactors on the outskirts (maybe seven miles east on the edge of Lake Ontario). 
I think you could get it if you lived or worked within maybe a ten mile radius of the plants or some such thing. Maybe others could get them if they wanted them (I gather they're available at drug stores).
There is a pretty good-sized SUNY University (8500 students) within that ring so I wonder how it goes over with the students to have that in their "welcome to the university" packet. Kinda introduces them the life in the real world.
Go here for more specific (or informed) information:

-----Original Message-----
From: This isn`t an orifice, it`s help with fluorescent lighting. [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Met History
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:11 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [BP] so what's the deal on...

potassium iodide.  are we all getting it, or is that just too paranoid?  FDA finds it "indicated" in Chernobyl-like (and, implicitly, other) conditions. 
Christopher Gray