> *If my rants about the Jews are as confusing to you WASPy types as
> this was to me, I apologize.*
> **


Actually your rants make me feel a whole lot more comfortable with the
revelation, at least to me, of the magnitude of diversity between Jews.
I begin to realize that Jews are just as crazy and whacked as many of
the Christians that I know.
I know good people who are Christians and Jews, but I tend only to
recognize the whacko deviants in the religious base that I am closest to.
Most of the Jews that I know are not practicing... same with the
Catholics... so it is often difficult for me to get a good reading on
core beliefs.
I tend to avoid discussing any religion that I do not understand the
workings of and with your rantings you make it easier for me to relate.
I'd say that your rantings go a long ways towards opening up tolerance.
Please keep ranting.

So I heard this guy on C-Span explaining how the protestant Ronald
Reagan thought God had saved him from his near assassination for him to
complete a mission of destoying the Soviet Empire and that the Pope told
him it was so as well as Mother Teresa. I wonder what God says to Dubya?


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