On Sat, 3 Apr 2004 19:06, Elizabeth Miller <[log in to unmask]>

>Of course we'd all prefer to eat real food.Even someone as focussed on
>real food as Sally Fallon recommends additional cod liver oil. What fish
>do you recommend that is not contaminated?

I eat sardines most days, mostly tinned, but occasionally fresh.  Although
the fresh ones are sold as filleted, they still have lots of bones left
and I chew my way through them.

>I for one am active in trying to protect and restore the environment but
>until it's cleaned up, eating some things in our food supply is too
>dangerous -- especially for unborn and growing children and women who
>are of child bearing age. (I have three daughters I have to protect)
>Namaste, Liz

Nice work, Liz.  I'm trying to make a difference, as well.  The biggest
step for me was changing my attitude to consumerism.  See:




This has direct relevance to Paleofood, organic, labour-intensive food
production and all-round good health.
