Folks, the voter registration exercise is in effect in the Gambia, does
anyone have any info. to share with us as to how it's proceeding?  This
stage of the electoral process is the most crucial and where elections are
rigged or stolen.  What is the Alternative parties doing to make sure the
rolls are not padded?  Do they have their activists to independently monitor
the process to prevent an IEC and APRC collusion like the last voter
registration exercise?  Can folks tell us what the UDP, PDOIS, NDAM, PPP,
and NRP are doing to monitor this exercise?  We cannot wait until after the
votes are cast to cry foul?  We have to fight the rigging or padding as it
occurs, not after they cast their vote.  I hope someone provide us an update
of the situation.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

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