Folks, I just read the Observer Newspaper interview with Dr. Amadou Janneh
and it really shows how these folks with "some college" have prostituted
themselves and continue to be the people that help Jammeh stay on to
continue to abuse Gambians.  Amadou took his sycophancy award barely a week
before the torching of the independent and he is already lying on both sides
of his jaws.  Folks, these are the type of people why we are where we're at.
  Who is Amadou Janneh to diasporans?  Well, this is one guy that went
around being an expert on Yaya and his dictatorship tendencies up until year
2000.  It was months leading to the 2001 Presidential Elections that he came
out to announce his affiliation with the APRC and begin packing for home.
The fact is Amadou was out of a job in the US.  So, for him to say that he
left a teaching job in the US was a lie.  He taught at a University in
Tennessee and a questionable claim at Savannah State, in Georgia.  However,
was he employed when he left?  No, he was not.  Did he resign?  No, he did
not.  His sudden love fest with the AFPRC was pure desperation and greed and
was hitched on by his fellow sycophant Mafy Jarju, and Gambians are not
surprised of his hiring.

Folks, in the "House of Yaya", you are qualified after you attend 100 "Afra
sittings" and Amadou was able to latch his tentacles through his friend "Mr.
Software Engineer Jarju".  You remember that fellow and title?  I wonder
what title Amadou peddled during those Afra sessions?  Folks, what we have
in Kanilai is a Vous of criminals and sycophants.  Should we expect Amadou
to say that the Independent was torched by the regime?  Not even if his life
was dependent on it.  The thing that kills me with these sycophants is that
they think that we buy their crap that they can change the regime from
within.  From the early days of the AFPRC with Sidat Jobe et al, to this
very minute on my keyboard, how many have succeeded, not that they have
tried?  Not a single one.  Since 1994, whether you're talking about fraud,
murders, thuggry, and massive corruption etc., all have hit the sky, right
in front of these sycophants without a muscle twitching.  So, I better not
hear someone come to us with that stale wine about how Amadou wants to serve
Gambians.  This association benefits two people, Amadou and Yaya, at the
expense of Gambians - you and me.  Amadou gets to be Minister and who knows
what else he has in mind by way of partaking in the looting, and Yaya
showcases the prostitute that he can buy any that opposes him any day any
time, especially the breed with some college.  So far we cannot dispute that
for the likes of Amadou Janneh are in abundant supply.  They have friends
among us, why have their friends not said anything?  Yes, Amadou has a right
to free association, but as Gambians, we have to take on those that join in
the destruction of our country and Amadou is going to join Yaya to do just
that.  Amadou is just going to live off the skeleton called the Gambian
economy which is framed on the backs of the tax payers.  Another scam they
peddle is to list this or that opportunity they left behind, to support
their swindle that they did not join Yaya because of greed and sycophancy.
Folks, the reason why Sheriff Dibba joined Yaya is the same reason why
Amadou Janneh joined Yaya - greed, pure and simple.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

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