Essa Bokar Sey, you have been exposed in the Gambia Post, thus, your
delisting to join your partners.  Now the cat is out.  So, you were the link
to this puzzle.  You Essa, contacted me privately for months after you were
fired.  I did not respond to you due to time constraints and you accused me
of ignoring you.  I finally asked for your number and called you.  I have
never seen you in my life but you told me all about how Tijan and Lena Manga
undermined you to get fired and I told you of Tijans sycophancy.  My advise
to you at the time was to provide everything you know about Yaya and his
operations for the world to know who Yaya really is, if Gambians are going
to forgive and trust you as reformed.  Now, you are the very character that
is part of this lie.  Folks, this is why I said that these five people are
really dangerous.  The same Essa Sey that I jumped all over when he was
Ambassador Krispy Kream and when the Students were massacred is the source
of Jabou's slander.  I am really amazed at the vindictiveness of Jabou.
Just look at all five and you will not fail to see that they all have a
score to settle with me.  Now, does that warrant them to sink so low as to
come here and spread such a malicious lie, with total disregard of the harm
that it migh cause me, unjustifiably.  Folks, this should be a wake up call
for all of us, that there are some vicious people among us.  If I am on the
same side as Jabou, and Conteh all these years, why on earth will they
conspire with Essa Sey, Elhajj, and Ebou Jallow to assassinate my character?
  It just shows you how it is more important to some of us to destroy
another even if that means in favor of Yaya.  Essa and Ebou I can understand
for they dined with the devil himself and are still attached to Yaya.  At
least Ebou has begged him openly on several occasions both through letters
and in person.  Essa, has deluded himself to thinking that he is conducting
covert operations with the US government and Senegal.  He lied that he was
teaching in Michigan, now I see he is using New York as cover.  All that
spoke with Essa since his firing have heard these same things from him and
the guy does not sound stable.  He is still struggling with his firing and
has still not settled in that reality.  I did not trust Essa and I told him
that he must earn his trust with Gambians in time.  When he figured that he
cannot get in through me, he quickly looked for other conduits.  What Essa
was doing was to get accepted in our community through some of us.  I also
gave him my contacts, just like I would do with any Gambian I have contact
with.  This is the type of joke we're dealing with.  The character that
associated him with Yaya is the same character he is using to swine his way
and he found a host in Jabou, Conteh, and Elhajj.  Conteh happened to be the
conduit to this assassination.

Now, let's visit the calls from Jasseh Conteh.  This very Conteh called me
at work on a couple of accusations to discuss something I really feel
divided to discuss here in the open because I do not want to put him in any
danger, even with his malice on my person.  I hope he realizes that if it
were not for my decency and high regard for confidentiality, I would have
revealed his proposal.  He is on line and can deny what am referring to.
However, if he does deny what I'm insinuating, I may not have an option but
to let the cat out.

I also talked to Jabou a couple of occasions to invite her to participate in
the Save The Gambia Fund strategizing.  We all know how that association
ended.  When she could not get her way she bolted and started to organize a
splinter group on the L.  What happened to that group, well, your guess is
as good as mine - nothing came out of it.  It was just talk, as usual.

And so, you see, these same people in this assassination plot were
contacting me and we had lengthy discussions.  What then motivated them to
transform from the human to the animal in their behavior?  The only thing I
can come up with is deep seated hatred that one day, one of them will be
bothered by their conscience to confess to the inner workings of the group.
My guess is that the ring started with Jabou, Essa, and Elhajj.  Ebou's link
is Elhajj, no brainer there.  Now how Conteh got plugged in, we may never
know.  Is his candidacy the link?  I do not know.  And so, the circle of the
conspirators is complete, but with many questions that beg for answers.  I
have not spoke with Tijan since that fiasco with Omar Gaye and I do not need
to bore you with that, niether have I visited DC since I left in 1990, but
for the yearly ALD Conferences.  So, I am not conmcerned about anything, but
to get to the root of this fabrication.

If someone is reading this mail and is connected to the L, kindly forward it
for me.  I believe effort was underway to delist me and I totally accept
that situation.  The struggle to bring down Jammeh continues.

Chi Jaama

Joe Sambou

>From: Binneh S Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
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>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Joe Saambou/ Please ignore this man!
>Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 14:43:48 -0400

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