Eating with children is so much fun ; tonight after arriving at the resturant (a local that doubles for a filling station ) little darling, in her summer whites  jumped into the biggest mud puddle she could find.
This ain't garden dirt mud ;this is Mississippi gummo; a thick ooze good for burying bodies( see voters rights 1964) .
 I get her inside and the place is full of church ladies on their way to see Mels movie; Peanut is balling as Im scraping off the mud ; they look at me with that  distressed  "whatever did you do to that poor little girl"
Mary ; a stage siren of 4 ;eats it up when she hears pitty ;and goes into the death scene from Camille
Grrrr.....Im starving and Peanut pulls this? I whisper words of caution into her precious ear that only da da's know how to do in crisis.
This suddenly  revives her before Mrs. Iknowjesus started her kabuki of motherhood and the clean up of my  street urchin of a  child.
We were saved ; before leaving they asked me "if i had seen ...THE.. movie" ? .....    
"No ;but I read the book"..
.this momentairly threw one of them off  to ask  "There was a book"?
  Part 2
Mary got one of those kid placemats with connect the dots;
this was the  brain tickler ..I thought id pass it on
only I got to read  it through the spaggetti sauce
If a red house is made from red bricks,
           a blue house is made from blue bricks,
           a pink house is made from pink bricks
           and a black house is made from black bricks,
           what is a green house made from?
        the answer was up side down...unfortunately i cannot do that here.. 

                       answer:    GLASS           Those that answered correctly will get two more weeks of winter. Pyrate