      There is a National Policy for the Advancement of Gambian Women  which  aims at improving the quality of life of all Gambians, particularly women through the elimination of all forms of gender inequality by concrete gender in development measures.
      This polciy document has about 18 objectives and strategies to achieve its aim. if i clearly remembered to name a few:  Gender mainstreaming, Access to resource ,Awareness creation ,Strengthening of the Women's Bureau, Participation in the decision-making processes, Provision of an enabling work , Making budgetary provisions for women in governmental and nongovernmental organisations ,Enhancing women's participation in policy implementation, Violence against women, Involving women in the peace process, Education, Health care, Income earning opportunities and potential of Gambian womenDisabled women and girl, Women in the media etc.
      Then again these policies can be there but if they are not implemented it won't change anything in the lives of women. Having these policies is a step and it helps to address lots of issues. There are gaps in this policy document which i hope we will  look at later. 
       You need these organisations for adovcacy and lobbying governments to ratify certain policy as well as being part of the process. The good thing about these NGOs is that they put governments on their toes and they aslo act a watch dogs to women's human right abuses.
      Even in situations when there are not government policies, they can use the constitutions to take them on.
      I think i have the document at home  but am not sure if i have an electronic copy that i can send you. I will check it up when i get home.
      The Struggle Continues!!!
      Ndey Jobarteh

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