Do you need more proof? On top of that, they have no "police" system of
any kind. That is the healthiest of the healthiest - being emotionally

Just remember that I am not posting any of this to prove me right or
wrong. Simply to show that one's medicine is another one's poison.

""""The Hunza People exist isolated from the rest of the world in the
Himalayan Mountains where they live to be 110 to 120 years of age.

What is the source of this quote?  I was interested in the "Hunzas" a couple of decades ago and found a lot of conflicting info: Hunzas active into their 80's;  elsewhere, the 90's;  now the 100's.  The references were usually in the popular press and not in any peer reviewed source. This sounds like hype to me;  I love the mythical literary construct of Shangri la and I fear the Hunzas fall into the same category. Rick