>This guy or girl  Lurisia Dale(or someone with the same name) is also
>trolling the low-carb Usenet group.  Are you a member of PETA, Lurisa? Is
>this some kind of mission to convert meat eaters?

Aw, that's not quite fair, David.
Her point of view is quite common, even though misguided.
It's pretty much the stuff you hear from mainstream professional nutritionists.

Now that she's focusing the arguement down to extreme professional athletics
rather than general heathy lifestyles for the masses, the rules probably change
There is little in life that is true black and white. 
Jack LaLane is a terrific example of hicarb over the long haul, but I can't do
that without going porky.
Must be something to that "Eat for your type" stuff.

Can't make one regimen fit everybody because of different metabolisms.


Never share your foxhole with someone braver than you are