I read Lee's book and another, and it is rather convincing.

I think that neither the wild yam cream or natural progesterone product
is paleo. But I would be inclined to take the progesterone product as it
has real, natural progesterone in it.

Is this necessary? Probably not. If we were as active as our forebears
were, always walking, running, jumping, gathering food, preparing food,
playing, then we wouldn't need it.

But is it valuable considering our changed circumstances? I think it is,
based upon my observations with my wife, it really helps.


Molly Kate McGinn wrote:

> I used the wild yam cream for several years in my early 40s as I was having a
> difficult peri-menopause, on the advice of my acupuncturist, and it was quite
> helpful. I wasn't paleo then, so I am not sure exactly how it fits in, but my suspicion
> is that it could be made to fit within a *general* theory, even though the form I used
> was clearly created using modern methods.
> Will be interested to hear what others think about this
> Molly
> On 10 Feb 2004 at 18:12, [log in to unmask] wrote:
> I am considering taking natural progesterone as recommended by John Lee, who
> feels many women (and men) are estrogen dominant from all the synthetic
> estrogens in our polluted environment. Anyone have any paleo thoughts about this?
> thanks,
> Sandy