HI everyone,

I am also a new member on the PALEO list.  I have been eating 'paleo'
for two weeks now.  My husband also eats paleo about 90% of the time.
I am actually doing the paleo thing because of my recently diagnosed
(Aug. 2003) Celiac Disease.  I was doing well on a regular gluten-free
diet for a while, but after a couple months, I started to react to a
lot of grains.  I also had a lot of trouble with cross-contamination of
'supposedly' gluten-free grains or cereals.  I realized that I felt my
worst when I was eating a lot of grains.

At the beginning of December, my nutritionist advised me to eat a lot
of grains and beans.  I started adding lentils, other beans, exotic
flours, etc, to my daily diet.  I GAINED 10 pounds in a month!   It was
horrifying.  Plus I felt terrible, my skin broke out and my voice
wasn't working the way I knew it should.

So, two weeks ago, I went 'paleo' and have lost 6 pounds already.   I
feel so much better.  I am realizing more and more that this way of
living/eating is quite simple and actually cheaper than how we have
been eating in the past.  My skin is clear, I have a ton of energy, my
voice feels great & I am getting slimmer every day.

My husband is very supportive of this new way of eating, since he is
from Europe and grew up on a similar 'diet.'  He was never exposed to
(my) American way of eating convenience meals & processed foods.

I have already been reading through the paleo archives and borrowed
some recipes that have been just wonderful.

All the best to everyone,

opera singer
New York/Connecticut