On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 17:03:43 -0500, Richard Geller <[log in to unmask]>

>This may be true of low carb dieting, I think it is. This is also true
>probably of any diet where you lose weight. So-called "yo yo" dieting
>does not work because your body becomes increasingly resistant to losing
>weight, and I think this applies to low cal dieting.

This is very interesting.  Perhaps the body's resistance to losing weight
ie metabolic slowdown on any type of diet whether low carb, high carb or
low calorie,etc  is also what causes the weight/fat loss to become slower
after the first few weeks of any diet.  Come to think of it, Atkins used to
suggest a "reversal diet" as a plateau buster consisting of a few days of
very low fat high carb.

I too have yo-yoed and looking back upon my eating habits over the last few
years -- I have discovered that the falling off the wagon ALWAYS happens 10
pounds or so away from goal. (and no, my goal is not to be some walking
skeleton, rather it is a realistic goal)   I generally get frustrated with
no further weight loss and figure -- what the heck a little of this won't
hurt and before I know it, a little becomes a lot.  Then, once back on the
wagon, the weight/fat loss is even slower.