>Well, I've never gone into a coma.  I have gotten extremely (read: almost
>killing) angry.  Then I have gotten so fatigued and woozy, I've laid my
>down and cried.  Then I've fainted (walking or not).

I've never gone into a coma, either, but just one day of fasting puts me at
risk for seizures.  Until September, this only meant losing my ability to
read and speak for about 90 seconds (I had a benign malformation removed
from my left temporal lobe in '93).  But September's event saw me wind up
unconscious and in an ambulance before I "woke up" and I'm STILL dealing
with a $464 bill.  Without insurance, I'd be paying close to $2,000.

Disgusted with a picture of myself taken without my knowledge, I decided to
crack down and lose more weight, dammit, and fasted yesterday.  About two
hours ago, I suffered a seizure some seven minutes before my newscast (only
complex-partial, thank Godde).  Not my idea of a fasting benefit.

Translation:  If significant periods without food make you feel good, by all
means, enjoy.  But fasting may not be good for some.  One size does not fit

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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