I'm not saying it's impossible because I had also good progression on a
standard bodybuilding diet. What I'm saying he's wrong about dangers of
ketosis and the need of carbs to build normal muscule mass (we are not
talking here about pro level) .

As far as my pictures last year I tried calorie restriction (below 2000kcal
for most part of the year) and unfortunately it doesn't help to retain
muscle mass. But the experiment is over. I will save this post and send you
some by the end of this year. I hope you will send yours in exchange to show
me what body you can build with fruits and veggies.

If you want to eat carbs,veggies fine but you don't have any evidence that
they are necessary or that the ketosis is unhealthy.

And BTW do you have any prove that your idol is 100% natural?

Paul Sand
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>From: Lurisia Dale <[log in to unmask]>
> > The author has no idea what he's talking about.
>In fact, the author is a professional bodybuilder and
>fitness trainer whose results speak for themselves:
>Let's see your pics, Mr. Accused-Of-Using-Steroids
>Do you Yahoo!?
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