February 10, 2004
"Nutrition news is important.  We help you understand it!"

Today's Topic: Fishing for Heart Treatments

Hundreds of studies have been done on fish or fish oils and
prevention or treatment of heart disease.  Most of the effect is
attributed to the fat content called omega-3 fatty acids.  A recent
review recommends fish or fish oil supplements to prevent heart
attacks, particularly if someone already had vascular disease.

How omega-3 fats reduce heart disease is not known, but they lower
blood triglycerides and blood pressure, prevent clotting, are
anti-inflammatory, and reduce abnormal heart rhythms.  Several large
trials have been done with fish oil capsules in people who had heart
attacks, and the reduction in second heart attacks has ranged from
30 to 48 percent.  The review was published in the January 3, 2004
edition of the British Medical Journal.
< http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/328/7430/30 >

HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW: Good sources of omega-3
fats are fatty fish like salmon, rainbow trout, herring, some types of
tuna, mackerel  and sardines.  There is controversy about the
importance of contaminants in fish like mercury and other chemicals.
The authors of the review recommend the web site, Omega 3 Information
Service, found at http://www.omega-3info.com/home.htm