Translation(English version)
Subject:Crossing costs travellers 500 CFA Frs:- February 2004)

Introductory remarks:

                                  The provisions governing ECOWAS-Economic
Community of West African States clearly stipulate that citizens of the
ECOWAS zone can move freely from country to country without let or
hindrance.Contrary to  what is said in those provisions here we have The
Gambia a signatory of those very accords imposing on travellers a "border
crossing pass" which costs each and every traveller 500 CFA Frs,this
affects any traveller who crosses the border(from Senegal).

(CORRESPONDENCE)-Travellers,most of them from villages along the Senegalo-
Gambian border post of Bouring,a Gambian border post situated near Ndorma
(45 km North  of Kolda) no longer have a better choice other than going
through that hot spot.
In order to be able to reach Dakar,Kaolack or Ziguanchor,the Senegalese
traveller is always obliged to pass through Boureng. Unlike what used to
be, this passage is no longer free of charge.Any traveller who passes
through that post should bear in mind that The Gambian Police will
certainly levy some charges on that particular traveller,which will be
nothing less than 500CFA Frs. Those charges are to meet the cost of the
border crossing pass issued by The Gambian Police and  must be paid on the
"It is  a new way of asking people to pay additional charges, which has
been put in place for the past year" said Mr Assan Mbaye,the second vice
president of the rural council of Ndorma.
His remarks are therefore unequivocal."On our way to Ziguanchor few days
ago,our vehicle was stopped and passengers were ordered to report to a
border post identifying itself as:"The Gambia Immigration Department".
Where it was intimated to us that in order to be able to cross the border
each and everyone had to pay 500 CFA Frs therefore,be issued  a border
crossing pass. When I informed the agent that I had a valid ID card on
me,he replied and said that, the valid ID card had nothing to do with that
testified Mr.Mbaye.
While Mbaye was reeling his movie on those challenging disadvantages,young
Dame Cisse interrupted him and then suddenly  displayed his own border
pass,paradoxically marked on that very pass which was meant to allow them
cross the border, were these letters; ECOWAS.
"One of our comrades spent the night in the neighbourhood because he was
unable to settle the charges concerned before crossing the border",Dame
Cisse lamented.

Mr Assan Mbaye to further strengthen his point continued and said "in the
past not having a valid ID card meant we had to pay and be issued a border
crossing pass,this means it was free to cross if one had valid documents".
Many of those villagers who travel through that border post,are affected
and do suffer  a lot following the introduction of this new measure that
has been imposed by The Gambian Police at the border" The affected areas
are:Yedoulaye,Amdallaye Diallo,Bouroco and so on.Most of the inhabitants
in that locality originate from Saloum.They settled in that area as
farmers.It is an area that has fertile land and receives enough rain
fall.This has helped them escape the drought stricken part of the country
side,parts that have been ruined and no longer favour the cultivation of
Amongst those villagers who expressed their views to our reporter was Mr
Yero Sane President of the rural council of Ndorma,he said:"This latest
measure has been introduced by The Gambian Police to fight against cattle
rustlers,who have so far been a menace within this area"

"But on the other hand when ever we learnt about such crimes if we report
them to the local authorities the situation is usally handled accordingly.
Once a problem rose when The Gambian police wanted to forcefully reduce
the price of a cow,that a Senegalese was selling at a bi-weekly local
market",a citizen of Ndorma  argued.

From Yero Sane's point of view: "there are people whose behaviour appears
questionable therefore ,this obliges others to be cautious,that is why I
find it normal for them to be asked to produce valid ID cards.For those
who use radio stations and start spreading inflamatory messages,they do
not intend doing any good.The situation should therefore be transmitted to
the rural council within that locality,they will further transmit such a
report to the govenor's office"...........................
                 Extracted and translated from a  story, Written by
Hamidou SAGNA(

OPTV treds on this article with an open mind and then makes it's analyses
within that perspective.
If one reads between the lines it is obvious and certain that! tension is
growing faster than usual between The Gambia and it's dearest
neighbour.Not because of Gambians but because of madness emanating from a
shameless and a careless dictatorial institution, headed by a laughable
Why not the Senegalese intelligence start monitoring guys like that Yero
Sane.Let any of mad Yahya's cronies tell us that is not fair in
their reporting,How on earth can they say so? If the Senegalese
authorities could influence Walf were they going to write about Yero's
supportive statements that favour our mad man?
In Senegal democracy is a clean and clear culture that the gvt cannot
colour for itself.
I wish such a report was written by the mad man's media outlets! Then we
would have seen their immature and wreckless messages that can cause a Sub
regional war!
Now Yero(a citizen of Casamance,Senegal) stands to be sympathetic towards
what mad Yahya did and if  a Gambian citizen yells on him,his cronies call
you someone selling your conutry! These are the elements who do not want
peaceful co-existence as far as Casamance is not declared a so-called
Independent part of Africa!
That is why OPTV has repeatedly warned that as far as mad Yahya is
breathing near that border and he has those ARMS FROM ARSENAL
BULGARIA,never will there be peace between The Gambia and Senegal. Now you
see why OPTV ridiculed the NIA declassified stuff where they wrote that
the immigration officer at Jululung was transfered because he was asking
Senegalese to pay?!!!!!!!!! Mad Yahya is fake brothers and sisters,well
OPTV has been vindicated within a week or so.After attempting to pump us
with those bogus declassified stuff from wherever,here we have seen him
lie between his teeth.
Is it not true that the immigratiion officer at Jululung who was asking
people to pay and then the NIA recommended for his transfer,was carrying
out Yahya's orders?
The eating has proven the pudding,period.
If Yahya thinks that he can fool sane people and he is a lunatic, confirms
that he  really needs help from psychiatrists and not lawyers or judges.
We warned that Yahya has started using IGP 13 Badjie as his new
spokesperson well what is happening these days?
Yahya came on TV(according to sources from home) a day after Badjie's
message was printed by the observer.Mad Yahya repeated exactly what Badjie
said,except where he sent another epsisode of classic comedie telling
Gambians the oil/petrol will be drilled very soon(laugh).For Yahya
drilling is synonymous to digging a well in the middle of the Sahara
desert and then invite villagers to dance around a bucket of water because
they missed seeing water! This is petrol not a well of water.Even
consturcting the machines that will do the drilling takes years.How about
the project itself? How about the strategies to be put in place and then
market the product? How about the risks involved? Lest we forget Ken
Sarowiwa(Ogoni Land) who was slayed by Abacha?It was mad Yahya who stood
near Abacha when the whole world was blaming that late serial killer? Has
parliament approved it? That is why rumours are rife that Yahya was not
happy when the US embassy gave out 300,000 USD to parliament! ! There you
have Halifa and others,strengthening that institution means helping
entrench democracy.MPS will certainly start feeling less obliged to
negotiate with terrorists.Did you notice? It was after the MPS warned the
secretary of state for foreign Affairs to respect their calls that they
started being respected!
Or I  forgot mad Yahya is King and he has absolute mad and sad dreams that
run the show. Petrol? How about Sieraleone? How about Mauritnia? How about
Senegal's own offshore reserves?How about Guinea Bissau's? Have we heard
those leaders show their madness on that? This belt of oil reserves has
been noticed by NASA for some time now and it will take another part of
our lives before such projects are realised.
Mad Yahya is trying to play a game that is beyond his intelligence.During
the former gvt time,we even saw them issue warnings to residents within
KSMD to vacate.We were told that the oil was at the Kanifing Industrial
estate area(laugh).What happened? Jawara was over thrown by a mad bunch of
dreamers.Why didn't Yahya continue evacuating people from KSMD from 94 to
date if the oil thing was true?
There are Gambians who kept their notices from the PPP gvt  and they still
have them.Afterwards the PPP gvt said that the oil reserves moved back to
the sea!
I hope so Yahya will not come back and tell the gullible people he the mad
man plays with that,the oil has evaporated?!!!!!!!!!! People like Kaba
Jawara should run away if not Yahya will slay him raw.Yahya's mad and
shameless face believes in every crap that so-called experts tell him and
that is why he moved Susan Wafa Ogoo to handle the dept of for natural
resources and environment for the past years! Fishing licences are being
sold now,next he will steal some of sand stone(in Nianij,Kaoline(from
Basse) and then may  sneak out.How about the sand that was secretly
exported to Australia? OJ has been pressing on that but no answer yet.
If a mad man sneaks with the help of greedy pirates and then sells sand to
Australia what would happen if we were to drill oil? Yahya is so mad that
he thinks that Gambians can be calmed by such lullabies! The prices of
commodities are bound to rise and Gambians will be seeing flames until
when Yahya is hacked at McCarthy Square.
OPTV predicts and everyday those predictions are proven to be true.Today
we warn Gambians and Senegalese that mad Yahya will try using the likes of
Yero Sane and create another rebellion in Casamance very soon.This time
Wade should table the issue at the UN security council and then declare
his part before the international world.He does not have to negotiate with
terrorists particularly the insane ones!
Look at what Peter Bergen the CNN  terrorism analysts wrote in his
book,please see the
The dark clouds that are creeping towards the Gambia because of Yahya will
harm us for no reason.There is another piece that OPTV recieved where
Yahya was accused of hosting Islamist extremists whocame on a pilgrimage
in The Gambia back in 1997/8.See how that coincides with Peter's
intriguing revelations. I understand that Yahya threatened to sue the
author Eliman Faal of the Jeune Afrique paper in Paris.I Binneh S Minteh
will search for that story and then send it to Oreilly Factor and other
media outlets here, so that Yahya can finally sue me.
Was that not around the same time that mad Yahya was using Imam Fatty(when
they were in good terms) to pounce on the Ahmadiyya movement? The Ahmadis
left the Gambia for a while and then came back because they were going to
sue the gvt.
Remember that the Ahmadiyya is a powerful organisation.Yahya does not like
them but he was scared to death.The Ahmadiyya still do not trust
Yahya.Major Momodou Bojang was the clown that he used then but where is he
OPTV has learnt from reliable sources that leaders like Yahya are being
left to hang themselves up in this war against terror, we will witness
that very very soon.

Binneh S Minteh
Newyork University.

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