Hello Mr Minteh,

I have been reading your postings with interest and have lately been getting more and more suspicious of your motive and the veracity of your "stories" which  is at best suspect. You say a lot  about nothing (maybe that is what most of us want to hear) . The sum total of the message in most of your postings is not much,  but  plastered with tribal nonsense, half truths, indecent language, threats and utter anger.

Most of us in this list do not like Jammeh, not because he is a Jola. We do not like him dragging our country through the mud. Period. We would also want to think that we are principled in the way we talk about it. Some of us are not that desperate,  that we will take everything thrown at us as long as it is anti jammeh, without diciphering what it is that  is being thrown at us.

I for one do not agree with the tribal connotations of your postings, the insinuated threats, the half truths and all. Please take a little bit more time to edit your postings. This will help you weed out the tribal and all other ugly things from your thoughts.

Let us have a look at exactly what i am on about:

Firstly, i think that your postings are dangerously tainted with tribal utterances. Lets take a look.

You wrote,

"When I refer to the blatant nepotism some of us turn their mouths on me calling me
a tribalist.I am not tribalist and never will I entertain it.I do speak
Fula,wolof and Mandinka fluently.My home Town Fatoto is full of families
that are what we call mixture.Pointing out Yahya's side of the story and
comparing his figures to the real situation does not make one a
tribalist.Then does that mean talking about corruption makes one a corrupt
person? I am not a triblist and do not encourage tribalism in any way. "

I will quote a couple of lines from your postings that i belive to be dangerously tribalistic.

1] "Infact Yahya does not even represent the decent Jolas, he represents the mad

I cannot understand where  this is  coming from, and cannot begin to connect it with your "story". Or is it that you just have to take a swipe at the Jola's.

Again you wrote:

2] "Those AFINJANG double cabins were named after the nasty song that the army band composed for his thirsty soul.The singer of that song is Jola and translates a jola song into mandinka because Yahya wanted to send a message through rough and rude music."

What is the point of stressing that the singer is Jola and that the song was translated from Jola to Mandinka. What is the point here? What has this got to do with the story?

Half truths?

1] Tarik Musa took care of Yahya's errands and cured his family members from Bakau to Kanilai

Is this true or do we want to hear this so bad that we believe you. I thought that Yayha sends his wife and daughter to america for "jabs". Is not what we were made to understand? Now you tell us that it was Tarik who "cured" his family.

you said:

"At any time Yahya celebrates something all GPTC busses were impounded and left at the mercy  of the drug addicts and chronic prostitutes that Yahya hired to satisfy his  bad boys.He himself likes the dirt because it is a licence for his GREEN BOYS AND JUNGLERS to dirty themselves more.Yahya's life is based on those endless celebrations and dances."

But then, you almost immediately gave us a little bit more info. This is what you wrote:

"The vehicles that he uses to transport those drug addicts are usually furnished by Tarik Musa and Baba Jobe."

I am confused here. Which of the two statements is correct. Is it Tarik Musa or GPTC?

The following is so dangerous that i would not like to comment. Maybe you might want to tell us the verasity of the following potentially dangerous comment.

"Sources have
revealed that Yahya has assigned special armouries to areas like Badibu in
case of an uprising some day.His orders are clear,that every soul from that
end should be crushed when they intend to rise against him.That is why Lalo
Jaiteh was dragged to mile two and Alhaji Kanteh disappeared."

"Some intelligence has already reported that Yahya has mental

Some intelligence ....

"The shortage of
basic commodities will continue because the vendors and other petty traders
have been insulted and abused by the very so-called leader who should have
protected them and their interests.This economic war fare will make Yahya
spend long and sleepless nights before he attempts running away."


"After the shortage of flour we will experience the shortage of
kerosene,petrol,sugar etc etc."

God forbid. Do you hate Yahya so much that you wish all of these on our folks back home?

Just think out aloud.


Minteh, you are dangerous. I just wonder how different you are from yahya Jammeh.

Your tone reminds me of someone occupying state house in Jollof.


I for one will be grateful if you can spare us the tribal nonsense and the half truths. Just tell what you know, if anything.

>From: Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>

>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2004 15:47:07 -0500
>Once again OPTV knocks on Yahya's door reminding him that his latest image
>building cannot stand.Yahya cannot enjoy everything with Tarik Musa,Baba
>Jobe and his gang and then turn around trying to bewitch us with false
>wretched movies.
>Everybody in The Gambia remembers the dark green double cabin cars which
>were being used by Yahya's boys during the last general false elections.The
>name AFINJANG was spreading like wild fire beause of those cars that the
>APRC received as bribery fromTK Motors.Tarik Musa ordered those cars and
>gave them out to Yahya.Yahya shamelessly told people that his party bought
>them.Yahya wanted to avoid using government owned vehicles because he was
>warned by UDP and others not to do so.Forgetting that he was using state
>property to run a campaign and rigg the false elections.As far as I am
>concerned Yahya is not a democratically elected president,he is an armed
>bandit who forces people to put votes in those ballot boxes. Why should the
>paramilitary stand near ballot boxes during elections? That is why I call
>them false elcections!
>  Those AFINJANG double cabins were named after the nasty song that the army
>band composed for his thirsty soul.The singer of that song is Jola and
>translates a jola song into mandinka because Yahya wanted to send a message
>through rough and rude music.
>AFINJANG was Yahya's song during the campaign.This rude song pollutes the
>air, when dancers turn their backs and shake their behind to our elderly in
>every village.This is not campaign but blatant disrespect and
>mockery.Infact some of those boys used to provoke Imams and other repsected
>elders that they suspected to be opposition members,by organising AFINJANG
>dances during prayers.Yes this happened and many elders were very angry
>about that.Yahya's campaigning mad men had leather throngs with them and
>they whipped other convoys that blocked their ways.They also whipped people
>before their wives and children.
>At anytime they approached a village the rude song was played and the drug
>addicts who campaigned for him displayed in a very very rude manner before
>our helpless rural folks.
>Yahya liked that and gave lumps and lumps of dalasi notes to those drug
>addicts who were going round insulting people in the name of a party.How
>can someone insult the whole country and then win elections,at the same
>time turn around telling us that,it was free and fair?! Free and fair my
>socks! The false elections were free and fair for insulting drug addicts.
>These people are the same rude vagabonds that Yahya used to instruct Baba
>Jobe to transport to Palm Grove hotel and celebrate the July 22nd dark
>day.This is a sad day in Gambian history.The GPTC busses were ruined by
>those mad and rude celebrations.
>All those drug addicts spent days at the palm grove hotel and the
>independent stadium drumming and drinking wine.Nothing but adultery and
>other forms of sins was being committed in those hotels.At any time Yahya
>celebrates something all GPTC busses were impounded and left at the mercy
>of the drug addicts and chronic prostitutes that Yahya hired to satisfy his
>bad boys.He himself likes the dirt because it is a licence for his GREEN
>BOYS AND JUNGLERS to dirty themselves more.Yahya's life is based on those
>endless celebrations and dances.The vehicles that he uses to transport
>those drug addicts are usually furnished by Tarik Musa and Baba Jobe.Today
>he says these two are not clean?! Yahya is a mad man and Gambians will only
>believe so when he starts chasing those market women who pass by the state
>house every morning with a club!
>He will do so because he started standing there dishing out fifty dollar
>notes to those poor women until when Halifa Sallah and others ridiculed him
>on that.He stopped that but started worse things because he started dishing
>out lumps of two hundred thousand dalasi notes to Rap singers and other
>youngsters who sang his praises.
>We all remember when Yahya was exchanging harsh words with the Pipe Line
>Rap group that refused to succumb to his stupid self.Can you imagine that?!
>A so-called president exchanging words with school boys over who should
>sing his praises? Goodness! Yahya is bad news for humanity as a whole.
>The money that he dished out to those who chose to sing his name came from
>the YDE coffers because he said that was Youth develoment?! Yahya
>Jammeh!!!!!!! our Gambia is really unfortunate to have this type of
>Yahya cannot say no to Baba Jobe,Tarik Musa and others because his
>shameless self is sitting on the wealth that these people helped him
>amass.I cannot still understand why Amadou Samba,Sana Jaiteh and others are
>not arrested?
>How can Tarik be bad and Amadou Samba be good before Yahya?
>How can Abdoulie Kujabi be loitering the streets of Banjul and Lang Conteh
>be jailed?
>How can YDE be whipped and BOTO CONSTRUCTIONS be spared?
>These are questions that OPTV will answer without hesitation,Gambians will
>be happy when we continue the revelations. Yahya's eggs will be hatched and
>in them we will all see that there will be nothing but small and poisonous
>These snakes will follow him and his cronies and bite the hell out of their
>Yahya feels that he has been out smarted by some of the people he has been
>dealing with and he is angry with himself.Tarik Musa took care of Yahya's
>errands and cured his family members from Bakau to Kanilai,so how can he
>lie to us today in trying to show us a bad face of Tarik and Baba Jobe?! If
>that is the case why not Yahya tells us where he got the AFINJANG cars and
>every butut that he spends during his so-called elections?
>Yahya is nothing else but a nocturnal thief who wants to be seen as day
>time police man.
>He stole from 1994 to date and then wants to tell us that it was Baba Jobe
>and others who were stealing.How could Yahya detect the thieves even before
>the investigations were conducted? Because he is a thief himself,he thinks
>that shouting the word thief! will save him from our clubs? Let Yahya think
>that people are cowards and he is the only man he will certainly understand
>something very soon.
>Binneh S Minteh
>New York University
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