
If there are any humans that are truly adapted (in the truest definition of
the term) to surviving in cold weather climates, then they would not need to
wear any clothing, nor need any shelter, nor any type of external heating
(fire, etc.). Thus, they would be truly adapted, just like the various
species of wild animals that survive and thrive in cold weather climates.

The need for clothing, shelter, and/or external heating indicates lack of
adaptation. I have never heard of any humans that don't need any clothing,
shelter, or external heating when living in a cold climate. If there are
such humans in existence, then maybe they've genetically mutated to growing
fur? ;^)

Some might argue th
at the Eskimos are/were adapted to a very cold climate,
and yet they had and still have lots of shelter and heavy clothing. They
also made use of fire.

Or maybe you're referring to something other than what I'm referring to
about the cold weather adaptation issue. Whatever the case, I think that
these "raw pseudoscience fakes" are pretty much making the claim that I just
made above, which in my estimation seems to be completely logical, rational,
and sane.

For the record, I personally survive and thrive in a cold weather climate
(it's been literally below-zero Fahrenheit as of late here), and I eat a
100% raw, fruit-based, low-fat diet -- which according to many of the
"experts" should not be conducive to such surviving and thriving. And I will
also add here that I spend upwards of 2 hours outdoors every day, and I do
just great, and without needing to dress too excessively (but far be it
me to attempt to go out in such weather stark naked ;^) ).


On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 08:29:01 -0800, Thomas E. Billings <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>The raw pseudoscience fakes claim that humans are "tropical apes
>who have not adapted to cold climates". However,you should know that
>the raw pseudscience fakes don't bother to read the scientific
>literature. If they did, they would know about 2 papers on mtDNA
>published last year on the topic of human genetic adaptation to
>cold climates. In today's issue of "Science" magazine there is
>yet another article on the topic:
>"Effects of Purifying and Adaptive Selection on Regional Variation
>in Human mtDNA"
>Eduardo Ruiz-Pesini, Dan Mishmar, Martin Brandon, Vincent Procaccio
>Douglas C. Wallace
>Science Jan 9 2004: 223-226
>A phylogenetic anal
ysis of 1125 global human mitochondrial DNA
>(mtDNA) sequences permitted positioning of all nucleotide substitutions
>according to their order of occurrence. The relative frequency and
>amino acid conservation of internal branch replacement mutations was
>found to increase from tropical Africa to temperate Europe and
>arctic northeastern Siberia. Particularly highly conserved amino
>acid substitutions were found at the roots of multiple mtDNA lineages
>from higher latitudes. These same lineages correlate with increased
>propensity for energy deficiency diseases as well as longevity. Thus,
>specific mtDNA replacement mutations permitted our ancestors to adapt
>to more northern climates, and these same variants are influencing
>our health today.
>As you can see, yet another false pseudoscience claim bites the dust.
>Tom Billings