Okay, I think I've finally figured something out.  Ha!

First off, how many of you have heard a low-fat proponent voice deep concern
over people eating (horrified gasp!) "no carbs?"  I hear this line ALL THE
TIME and it drives in-expletive-sane.

Well, here's my theory.  Such talking heads either --

a) think 'carbs' = grain or
b) haven't grasped the simple fact that vegetables contain carbohydrates

If the term 'carb' means, in their mental lexicon, grain products then yes,
someone on the Paleolithic or a low-carb diet eats no carbs.  Or do they
actually think people on a low-carb diet eat no plant foods whatsoever!?

I know I'm writing in a somewhat light tone, but this is a serious question.
  Do these people have NO IDEA that the average low-carber eats more
leafy-greens than the average Johnny Q. Punchcard?  Considerably more, by
the way.  Or that vegetables DO have carbohydrates?  Can they REALLY be that

Please, comment.  I'm curious how many people have wondered where such
experts get off.  I eat the vegetables they see as manna from the heavens
every damn day of the week and still manage to keep the carb count low.
Again, DUH!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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