<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I received a variety of responses about the experience I had using
adrenal extract to rid myself of hypoglycemia and severe anxiety symptoms
that reached a feverish peak after I begun thyroid hormone replacement.
Most of the responses were questions.  Some shared similar symptoms and
similar experience with adrenal support products.  Some people were kind
enough to share additional information for posting in my summary.  I'll
try to answer questions as best I can.  I'm no expert on adrenal
problems.  I'm only sharing an experience hoping that it may be helpful
to others.  I'm not a physician or clinical nutritionist so I'm not
recommending treatment to anyone.  What you do with the information below
is up to you.  As usual, my comments are in brackets.  Some respondents
have ordered adrenal extract and plan to try it at home, I've agreed to
post a follow up on their results in a month or two. ~Valerie in Tacoma
I lived with similar hypoglycemic episodes my entire life. You know, when
you've always had it, you don't really pay a lot of attention, it becomes
part of living and you figure it's supposed to be that way. <g> My entire
life before discovery of the celiac, I had to eat every two hours.
Finally, after gf for 2 years, I don't have to eat like that. What a
revelation! However, I did have quite a strong (for me) hypoglycemic
episode a few weeks ago that woke me up to the fact that I still cannot
tolerate much variation in my nutritional requirements. I sometimes get
frustrated at this, although still grateful for my regaining health. From
the first my nutritionist spoke of adrenal support, but I was so tired of
buying stuff, and was just so tired, period. I'm ready now to work on
thanks again,  CurtissAnn
I found you article most interesting. I too have adrenal insufficiency,
caused by prolonged steroid use (I had to take them or else risk losing
my sight) Have extreme fatigue and hypoglycemia. To function the, adrenal
gland must produce at least 8-9 mcg daily, mine is 4-5 and I take
prednisone daily. I absolutely hate taking steroids and will discuss
your findings with my rheumatologist on my next visit.  --olive
[Don't be surprized if he/she is opposed to it's use.  Most conventional
MDs aren't familiar with glandular products.  Adrenal extract has never
been standardized and approved for prescription use, so therefore modern
medical doctors shy away from it.  But adrenal hormone was used routinely
for adrenal disorders prior to the advent of patented prescription
synthetic hormones in the 60s.]
        I've been doing some research into stress and hypoglycemia and have
doing the feast/fast protocol. It SOUNDS horrid and is not intuitive at
all. Basically, when they fast mice (or people) their ability to
withstand stress goes way up. Also their blood sugar problems go away.
        So I started experimenting with the Warrior Diet (awful name) which is
kind of based on that idea. During the day you can eat raw fruit/vegies
or a bit of meat. For 4 hours in the evening you can eat anything you
want, but it is suggested in the following order: Green salad, protein,
starch (in courses), if you want to lose weight.
        About 6 people in on of my listgroups all tried it. All lost their
"hypoglycemia" problems after the first week. Some lost weight, some
didn't (the overweight people lost weight). Some gained weight (the ones
working out gained muscle). Personally I just don't have blood sugar
problems anymore, I don't wake up hungry, I don't get hungry during the
day. None of us really believed this would work, like I said, it seems
too counterintuitive
and I have NEVER been able to fast (I pass out!). But something that
crazy, I have to try it, because it would be easy enough to disprove,
right? The first day was awful, the second not too good, but after that I
was fine.
        This is based pretty much on the adrenal issues you mention ...it
them a chance to rest. When you eat constantly, as many of us have been,
your digestive organs need to  produce and secrete stuff round the clock,
and they do get exhausted. Eating once a day seems to bring cortisol into
line too. Though when a person starts out, cortisol levels go haywire, so
it's best to start gradually. A lot of the symptoms we associate with
"hypoglycemia" are really "high cortisol" -- the adrenaline counteracts
the cortisol, which is getting overproduced in reaction to the insulin
which is getting produced by the food.
        Another advantage is that by allowing the gut to be EMPTY it tends to
get rid of candida, I think. At any
rate, I've had absolutely normal gut issues too. I would have thought
that having one BIG meal would be hard to
digest, but it seems that the body is in better shape to do the
digesting, because it's been digesting a lot
better. I've been taking HCL less and less.
        But the added advantage for me is -- I don't have to find food during
the day! It is just great for shopping. I bring some jerky just in case,
and some nuts, but mainly I don't need it.
        Anyway, there is good evidence this makes mice live longer, and now we
have some (anecdotal)
evidence it works for one small group of people ... they are doing more
studies on it.
        You can get the book "The Warrior Diet" too, which explains more about
one version of this diet. It is
very much geared toward athletes though, which might be a turnoff for
some folks. -- Heidi
[Very cool, Hiedi.  I have enjoyed great success in the past with a very
similar diet called the strict hypoglycemia diet designed by Dr. Paul St.
Amand.  But for some reason, it just doesn't work for me any more.  My
best guess is that my underlying problem, deteriorating adrenal function,
has advanced to the point that diet is not enough to control it and
adrenal hormone supplementation is necessary.]
So that is what I have!!  I don't know why I never read the hypoglycemia
messages before!
        This has been a huge problem for me - friends and loved ones
telling me
to get control over myself.  They think this is as emotional weakness.
My acupuncturist told me that my adrenals are over worked.
        I just bought some otc thyroid support meds - glad I did not start
taking them.  I'll return them tomorrow and try an adrenal support
supplement as you recommend.  - Nancy

[I've read in many sources that induction of thyroid medications often
uncovers a hidden case of adrenal insufficiency.  And that treatment with
thyroid will not be tolerated until the adrenal problem is adequately
addressed.  (Sources: "From Fatigued to Fantastic" by J. Teitelbaum MD,
"Solved: Thy Riddle of Illness" by Steven Langer MD, "Lange Medical Dx
and Treatment")  However treatment strategies vary.  I had been on one
medical treatment for adrenal insufficiency, daily cortisol, but it
wasn't sufficient to control my symptoms.  My symptoms didn't resolve
until I began taking natural adrenal extract from bovine source.]
Gloria here again (my husband & I have been Dr. Wright's patients since
     My husband was diagnosed with adrenal fatigue 1/1/2 years ago by Dr.
Wright.  He's had a number of symptoms which are mentioned in the Adrenal
Fatigue book (by James L. Wilson....foreword by Dr. Jonathan V. Wright)
     I'd suggest you get the book....it does call for a lifestyle change
even for us healthy eaters.  Some of the suggestions have really helped
my husband along with what Dr. Wright had recommended.
..I too have hypoglycemia, the reactive type, I believe--a normal fasting
level, then goes sky high over three hours, then drops like a shot duck
to so low the nurse asked me how I could stay on my feet, most people
would have fainted with such a low blood sugar.  Yeah, and I know my
adrenals are weak,  too.  Right now, I am taking Carlson's Vital #1
adrenal tablets.  Label says its "Whole Adrenal Concentrate 100 mg.
(U.S.A Source Bovine)"  I've been taking it for only about one month now,
and I do think I am feeling  "clearer" somehow, and now that you mention
it, the allergies are better.  I actually crave fruit and sugars a lot
less than I did.  Here it is Christmas, and I don't crave a lot of candy.
 I can eat one piece and leave it at that.  Although, my sister did send
me a package of mixed nuts and small chocolate candy, and I did scarf it
down.  Can't go too long
between feedings.  Interestingly enough, I do not crave salt so much as I
did before.  In fact, I have cut down on it considerably.
        I am definitely carb intolerant.  I have to eat a lot of meat and
fat to
feel satisfied, and I have to say that so far, the adrenal tabs do not
make green vegetables seem any tastier.  LOL.
        I think you are referring to the book "Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st
Stress Syndrome," by James L. Wilson.  He lives here in Tucson and I have
heard him speak.  He seems to know his topic.  I recommend the book.  You
can check out his web site at: http://www.adrenalfatigue.org/drwilson.php
 -- Jane
THANK YOU  big bunches for that reminder.   I was taking adrenal support
formulas religiously for a while and registered lots of improvements, but
failed to reorder when I ran out and money was tight.   I can tell the
difference, now that I've not used them for a while, and plan to get back
on the stuff, thanks to your testimonial.
It is a much underdiagnosed and all-too-common condition, as most people
are running way too stressful a life using way too many stimulants (never
mind adding the handicap of being celiac).

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*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the Celiac List*