Some application is trying to connect to the Internet. It could be an
antivirus program, Windows Update, firewall, or (heaven forbid) a trojan
horse or virus trying to contact home. Check all your programs for having
an auto update feature and disable it. If you do that, make VERY sure you
update the program manually or you might get a nasty surprise. If you don't
have any protection, the chances a quite good you've picked up a virus or
what is known as malware (a program you didn't really want installed) but
came with a program you did want installed.

I have windows 98 and every morning when I boot up my internet connection
box jumps up there and it is very annoying if you don't want to hook up
right away.

                         PCBUILD's List Owners:
                      Bob Wright<[log in to unmask]>
                       Drew Dunn<[log in to unmask]>