Ah Ralph, I'm just a lazy perfectionist. I don't want to do manually, what the machine can do for me. But, this is the final edit, and its probably a good idea to intentionally, and manually, lock in to each page layout. Someday this will pay off. Thanks all. -jc On Dec 24, 2003, at 7:59 AM, [log in to unmask] wrote: ArialIn a message dated 12/23/2003 11:36:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, [log in to unmask] writes: ArialThank you Heidi.  Now if I could figure out an easy way to check for Arialthese things without having to go through the whole document page by Arialpage. ArialJohn, Arial  ArialThere's something called "widows and orphans" protection (I don't know what program(s) it's in, or how it works, but I know it exists..somewhere) that sounds like what you want. Arial  ArialRalph