I see having an office doesn't automatically free one from the distractions that make one unproductive at home. Skip the USB cables! That's so last century! Go wireless! -jc On Dec 10, 2003, at 5:04 PM, Gabriel Orgrease wrote: ArialPuppy! ArialDavid & I go out on errands this afternoon and we take puppy with us. We have been taking puppy [Mud Slide] to the office with us so that Kathy can get some relief. When the two dogs are together in the house it drives everyone nuts because they keep barking at each other and running around wagging their tails. On our errands I buy puppy a box of dog biscuits and he is in the back seat trying to figure out how to open the box. No problem, only a few minutes of relief – he is happy to gnaw on his biscuits. Then as we are going to the post office David’s CD is playing a song by The White Stripes and the singer keeps singing, “I smell a rat. I smell a rat.” Well, just about then puppy lets one fly and we are now driving with the windows open. David asks me if there is substance to the issue. It appears only to be gas. So we get back to the office -- dog goes out to the back yard -- and we hook up the longer more expensive USB cable to relocate the printer so David & I can both get to it without falling over ourselves and puppy. Puppy barks a lot, so inside he comes and I give him his chew bone. No longer than it takes for me to send a few e-mails my computer goes blue screen with a fatal error. Seems puppy has now chewed and bitten through the USB cable. No moreprinter for now. So I talk to puppy. David says he will fix the cable. I recover my computer – no noticeable data loss. While David is fiddling with repairing the cable the puppy steps on David’s surge protector and shuts of his computer. We are now all of us busy recovering. Puppy has gone to sleep on his moving blanket. ArialWell… that did not last long. The puppy did something to make David go stand in the open door for some fresh air. This caused puppy to wake up and run out the door and across the street. This is scary with the cars. We got him back, but not till after he had run around in the automotive repair yard with the bull mastiff on a chain. The car guys were real friendly, they all came out of their shop to help, even the old guy that looked to be in his eighties. Puppy gave us an opportunity to meet our neighbors. ArialSo we go back to work and after about a half hour I'm on the internet reading a story instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing. David leans back in his chair and says to me he does not want to work any more. I agree. We are tired. We both go home. Arial0000,0000,EEEEhttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/fandango.virtual/gator/ Arial0000,0000,EEEEGator Springs Gazette, out of Glasgow, Scotland edited by my dear friend Carrie Berry. ArialMy contribution to the yearly quilt is under GO. ArialIf I ever get off my duff I'll get Pyrate published here as well. Arial][<