In an earlier post, someone listed gas as a symptom of candida overgrowth.
Would this, perhaps, refer to flatulence?  Farting?  Stepping on a duck?  I
ask because one of the first things I noticed after going low-carb was a
drastic -- and I mean DRASTIC -- reduction in this 'activity'.  People,
before this life change I could fire at will.  Another common problem?
Lower abdominal bloating.  I'll always remember one big problem when I made
The Change -- the Mother of All Yeast Infections.  Maybe that was
serendipity.  To the point -- could excess intestinal candida have caused
all that farting?  Sorry, but there's no other way to put it.  That and it's
funny and a laugh a day helps keep the blues away.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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