December 10, 2003
"Nutrition news is important.  We help you understand it!"

Today's Topic: Eat Less, Live Longer

During November 2003, several media outlets, including the New York
Times, published stories about people who are intentionally eating
fewer calories than they need in the hopes of living to 120 or 140
years old.  Most of the science behind this idea is based on mice
given low calorie diets but sufficient vitamins, minerals, and protein
to meet their needs.

There was a reduction of heart disease during the World Wars when food
was in short supply in Europe.  And heart disease is the number one
killer in most affluent countries.  But we also know that people
eating the most calories and getting exercise regularly have a low
rate of heart disease.

HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW:  After a few years on this
diet, it may seem like 120 years.  Although adherents to this diet may
be correct, we will have to wait a long time to find out.  We do know
that skinny animals do not tolerate cold as well.  Unless you are
going to make supplements one of your favorite food groups, getting
all your nutrients from this type of diet is very difficult.