I'm sorry I can't help u with j f w, but it's very
likely that none of them were on except the repeaters.
That's nothing unusu, there are only a few of us users
that use it a lot, and I'm on the most, followed
closely by Howard w a 9 t o p, and anthony w 2 a j v,
then there's john Jacques who gets on sporadically cuz
he's restricted to running echolink with dial-up. He
has a modem with a built in fire wall he can't get
around or he'd probably have his link up all the time.
It just takes patience and leaving it up a few hours
and you'll snag somebody, specially if u put the list
in your alarms and turned the alarm sound on, I can
tell u how to do that

--- John miller <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> I posted something about this yesterday but don't
> know if it went through,
> does anyone know how I can make the favorites show
> up in echolink for JFW to
> read?  I now get the station list and all, but I
> don't get favorites or
> anything unless there's something I'm missing,
> anyone got ideas how I can
> tell when my favorites are on?  or maybe when I
> tried it none were on?
> Thanks,  73 for now
> John Miller N1UMJ
> Owner: J E M Racing need sponsors and crew help
> to chat with me  AOL instant messenger JEMracing3

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