Lyn Landon <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi all. I'm in the process of reading the archives, but wanted to introduce
>myself. I'm 29 and feeding a raw species-appropriate diet to my two dogs,
>two cats, and numerous fish.  All that raw feeding got me to thinking I
>was probably onto something, so here I am.
>I would like to start eating healthy, because at the moment I'm overweight
>and underexercised.  I don't know where to start, but will continue to go
>through the archives.

Welcome Lyn! I found this mailing list about a year ago. I then spent
around six months following the activity and reading the archives before I
dared to write my first message. It was a very stimulating reading and I
learned a lot. There's sti

ll much I haven't read. I hope you find answers
to whatever puzzles you, and achieve your optimal weight.
